Baidu.com is the largest Chinese language search engine
and the second largest independent search engine in the world. The website of
Baidu.com has multiple online platforms like
Baidu Baike,
Baidu Tieba, Baidu Map,
Baidu Wangpan,
Baidu Fanyi, etc., and it is the
main property of Baidu Inc. (NASDAQ:
BIDU), an Internet
company founded by
Mr. Robin Li in Beijing, China.
Since its
establishment in
Zhongguancun on 1st
January 2000, it
has grown into the
largest information
and knowledge-based
integrated Internet
Service provider in
China in the past 20 years, and Baidu Inc itself become one of the
world's leading AI
Platform Companies.
Robin Li
initially studied in
the United States
and worked in
Silicon Valley after
graduation. In 1999,
he saw the potential
trends of internet and search
services in China,
and decided to use his
technical skills to
change the world.
Then he quit his
high-paying job in
Silicon Valley and
went back to China
to start his own
Today, Baidu has
grown into a large
company with tens of
thousands of R&D
engineers. The team
has been one of the most
advanced search
engine technology
providers in
the world, it also
makes China one of
the only four countries
in the world with
the core technology
of search engines.
How Baidu
Came About?
The word Baidu literally
means thousands of
ways. The word
comes in a more
poetic way, when a
poet named
Xin Qiji
wrote in Southern
Song Dynasty, 800
years ago,
In the
crowd once and
I look for her
in vain.
When all at once
I turn my head,
I find her there
lanternlight is
dimly shed.
Robin took Baidu
as the domain of the
first Chinese search
gate in the Internet,
everyone educated in China
knows what it means
and it helps Robin's
business spread very
quickly and widely
in the Chinese world in
the last 2 decades.